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Ecology Surveys

Ecology Reports // Preliminary Appraisals // Impact Assessments // Bat Surveys


Covering Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire.
If you are applying for planning, you may need to submit an ecology or bat survey report, and we will be happy to help. We know what you need to get through planning and how to support wildlife at the same time.


A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal or ‘PEA’, also commonly known as an ‘Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey’, is a baseline ecological assessment of the habitats and wildlife on a site.


If a PEA identifies that the site has evidence of or potential for priority/protected wildlife species, then further ‘Phase 2’ surveys may need to be carried out, in line with local planning policies.


Priority/protected species that we survey for:


  • Badgers

  • Bats

  • Nesting birds

  • Great crested newts 

  • Hazel dormice 

  • Invertebrates (protected/notable)

  • Plants (protected/notable)

  • Reptiles

  • Water voles

  • Other priority species such as common toad and European hedgehog

  • Non-native invasive species


Time of year

See below for our full survey calendar showing when surveys can be carried out. Ecology surveys are highly seasonal, so get an ecologist on board with your project as soon as possible!



This very much varies on your location, size of your plot, scale of your proposals, and what types of buildings/structures are being impacted that we need to survey. The cost of Phase 2 Habitat surveys depends on several factors such as the species, the type of survey and number of extra surveyors potentially required. We can give advice on this from the start and are always transparent about costs upfront.


For a free quote or advice, please email and attach your designs/drawings or click the button below.

Our calendar shows when surveys can be carried out:

Survey Calendar
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